Truth be told, I never visioned myself to be a teacher. I grew up in a family of teachers and I definitely witnessed how hard it was. As early as Grade 6, I knew how to compute grades and use MS Excel since my Tatay would request me to help him with his workloads from school. He is a public high school teacher handling Araling Panlipunan subject for 15 years up until this day. I remember, he would let me check a lot of testpapers and then write the scores in a Class Record. I definitely understood the hassle of being a teacher even at a very young age and said to myself, that I’m never gonna be one.

I always start my story with the experience I had when I was in College. My parents wanted me to study in a State University in our province and at that time, what I wanted was to take Computer Science in UP Cebu. It was such an achievement for me back then that I passed the UPCAT exam with my first choice of degree program and campus. It broke my heart but since I was young and obedient, I considered what my parents wanted for me. I took up Computer Engineering in the most prestigious State University in Bohol.

In the first few years, I kinda loved what I did. But time came that the spark inside of me faded. It started when I failed in a subject and had to retake it for another semester. I felt very lost and incapable. Why did I fail? Why among all, I’m one of the few who weren’t able to get that hard-earned 3.0? My world collapsed. I started losing my close friends back then because I get out of place when they talk about the subjects I wasn’t able to take just because of failing one subject. I endured for one semester. But my efforts still aren’t enough for me to make it. I got really down that I decided that I had enough. After three years, I knew I needed to shift to another school.

I still wanted to continue Computer Engineering but my parents discouraged me since my new school had a higher tuition fee and failing meant another wasted money. So, I decided to take the closest degree program that would allow me to credit most of my earned units. That’s why I shifted to BSED – Mathematics.

I had a great college life in my new school. We had a lot of activities not just in academics but in other opportunities as well. I even tried being an academic scholar that my tuition fees were free! But mind you, it may seemed like it was a bed of roses, but I actually took a lot of risks just so I can graduate. It was also emotionally challenging since most of my batchmates were already living their lives but I was still stuck with school that I can’t even pay for my own food and ask my parents for money. My college life was a total of six years in three different universities. But finally! I got my diploma – I am a degree holder! But I ate my own words, I am also an educator.

I took the board exam the same year I graduated and I passed. Fast forward to now, I have been teaching for two years and four months. And I still consider myself a newbie in this industry that I’m in.

Every day isn’t the same with the other days in a life of a teacher. Yes, we handle the same kids in a school year but, what a child felt yesterday isn’t the same with what he or she feels today. It is definitely a challenge. No child is the same with the other and you are dealing with them simultaneously. One child isn’t as emotional as another child and one student isn’t as intellectually capable as the other. Can you imagine that! Not to mention, we have deadlines to set and lessons to prepare. Every single day! Our happy smiling faces when we deal with our students isn’t really what we feel inside. We have our own personal problems to handle, too. But we have to set it aside and hide it in the deepest parts of us, because we don’t want anything to hinder us from being a good influence to them.

We are not also dealing with our students alone but with our parents, as well. They have concerns that we need to attend to and make sure that we are aligned in our vision of creating the better versions of our children.

Do I like what I do? I’d be lying if I say that it never gets tiring. I am a human being and I am capable of feeling burn out. And I also get drained! But as long as there is one child, who gets overly excited whenever he or she sees me in school, I know I am doing what I was called to do. Sometimes we question God, “Am I in the right place?” And its good to be reminded that where we are now is where He destined us to be. I trust that with the experiences that I had, He’s up to something greater than what I have for myself.

Get to know me in a more personal level through watching
“A Day in My Life as a Teacher” vlog on my Youtube Channel. Enjoy! ♡

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